(100) Days of Soundtrack: Chapter 2 – The Story So Far

When last we left our intrepid musical travelers, it was approximately late April. Not quite halfway through the 100 song journey, our heroes stumbled. Time got strained, and it was more difficult to form eloquent sentences about underwhelming music. The journey continued, but the effort was too much to also spend time cataloging the experience in real time. This was a conflict for a blog, but it had to be.

There’s a lot of restructuring we want to do around here, and a lot of querying about the best way to live the Daily Soundtrack message. Over the next week, I’m hoping to be able to catch you all up on some of what has been happening since we last chatted two months ago. Today, however, I want to invite you to be a part of this.

You may or may not be familiar with the Daily Soundtrack Facebook page (linked conveniently in that previous group of words). Well, we’ve quietly slipped into the next phase: (200) Days of Soundtrack. Today is Album #110. I could tell you all about how I feel about it, but I’d rather hear from you, so we’ll be posting each new album on Facebook to bring you into the discussion. Have you also heard our selection? Would you like to listen along with us and give your first impressions? We really haven’t been able to include you folks in this in a long time… we’d love to hear your thoughts as this project continues! Please swing by Facebook for content starting as of Thursday evening. We can promise this will be far more consistent than the blogging, and we’ll probably pop in now and then to share our own thoughts, too!

As for here, stay tuned. There will be some catch-up going on in the next week or two. We’ll cliffs-notes the back half of the first hundred, look into how the next hundred began, and go forward through the rest of the year. We hope you’ll join us!

Alex Lupica (@Alex_Soundtrack) has been in love with music since he was a toddler, despite its infidelities. (Really, music? Nu-metal? How could you!). Alex is Editor-in-Chief at The Daily Soundtrack.

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